Today Andrew and I took a Beamz up to the Dales School in Morton-on-Swale to see how accessible it would be to the children. It was used across the day as one of several instruments available to the groups during their weekly music sessions. The controller was used with the Beamz software (Education and Healthcare version) […]
MIDIcreator – Working with people on the autistic spectrum
John Biddulph, Music for ASD Project Director, talks about using the MIDIcreator with some young people on the Autistic spectrum.
MIDIcreator – Music-making by patients in a Neuro-disability Hospital
Music Teacher and Educational Technology Consultant Audrey Podmore discusses using MIDIcreator with patients with neuro-disabilities.
MIDIcreator – Building communication
In this short case study from 2005, Kathy Watson discusses using a MIDIcreator to aid in communication.
MIDIcreator – Engaging with a child
Kathy Watson discusses first steps with the MIDIcreator, working with a young boy with autism at the Bridge School in Telford.
MIDIcreator – Work with visually impaired children
Sally Zimmerman, Music Education Advisor at the RNIB, discusses using the MIDIblock with a number of children. This case study was previously hosted on the MIDIcreator-Resources website and is dated according to it’s original submission to that site. My use of your wonderful kit is still as limited, but as regular, as ever. I’m using the MIDIblock […]