A number of papers and articles have been published over the years featuring MIDIcreator. The following list was put together several years ago but maybe helpful to anyone doing research in accessible and assistive music technology.
This information was previously hosted on the MIDIcreator-Resources website.
MIDIcreator has featured in the following articles and magazines:
- ‘Madrigals and modems’, M.A.Hildred, Link Magazine, Issue 3, Autumn 2004, pp.28-30
- ‘Starting with Play’, NAME Magazine, 04, Issue No.12, pp.42-44
- ‘Making Music’, Special Children, June/July 2003, pp.43-45
- ‘You are the music’, Special Children ICT Supplement, Spring 2003, pp.6-7
MIDIcreator has featured in a number of academic papers and books. Listed below are a selection of these.
- “Digital Sound Processing for Music and Multimedia“, (textbook), Andy Hunt & Ross Kirk, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, (April 1999).
- “Meeting SEN in the curriculum: MUSIC“, (textbook), Jaquiss,V. and Paterson, D., David Fulton Publishers (May 2005). ISBN: 1843121689.
- “Accessing the Software Studio“, D.T. Murphy, M.A. Hildred, 8th Int. Conf. on Computers Helping People With Special Needs, Linz, Austria, Vol. LNCS 239, pp 684-685, 15-20 July, 2002. ISBN: 3-540-43904-8.
- “Computer Assisted Performance Control for Audio-Visual Instruments”, Ross Kirk and Andy Hunt; invited paper in research monograph “Schriften Musikpsychologie und Musikasthetik” Kopiez and Auhagen (eds.) Peter Lang (pub), 1998. ISBN 3-631-33116-9.
- “Multiple Media Interfaces for Music Therapy”, Hunt, A., Kirk, R., & Neighbour, M. , IEEE Multimedia special issue on Multisensory Communication, July – September, 2004, pp50-58.
- “Provision of Music in Special Education (PROMISE)”, Welch, G., Ockelford, A. and Zimmerman, S., University of London Institute of Education/RNIB, 2001, pp. 40-41
- “Interactive multimedia systems for engineering education in acoustics, synthesis and signal processing”. Andy Hunt, David M. Howard, Ross Kirk, Kingsley Ash, and Andy M. Tyrrell, European Journal of Engineering Education, vol 26, no.2, pp 91-106, 2001.
- “A real-time interface for a formant speech synthesiser” . Andy Hunt, David M Howard, Gregor Morrison and James Worsdall, Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 2000; 25: pp 169-175.
- “Technology and Music: incompatible subjects?”, Andy Hunt and Ross Kirk, British Journal Music Education 14:2, pp 151-161, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
- “Computer Music in the service of Music Therapy: The MIDIGRID and MIDICREATOR systems”, M & R. Abbotson, PR Kirk, AD Hunt, A Cleaton, Medical Engineering Physics, Vol. 16, May 1994, pp253.
- “Real-time Interfaces for Speech and Singing”, Andy Hunt, David Howard & Jim Worsdall, Proc. EuroMicro Conference 2000, vol II, pp 356-361, Maastricht, September 2000.
- “The Role of Gesture in Environmental Control”, Ross Kirk , Andy Hunt, Mark Hildred and Adrian Verity, Proc. EuroMicro Conference 2000, vol II, pp 377-381, Maastricht, September 2000.
- “Music Therapy and Electronic Technology”, Andy Hunt, Ross Kirk, Mary Abbotson and Raymond Abbotson, Proc. EuroMicro Conference 2000, vol II, pp 362-367, Maastricht, September 2000.
- “Computer Assisted Performance Control for Audio-Visual Instruments”, Ross Kirk and Andy Hunt; Invited paper, International Symposium “Regulation of Creative Processes in Music”, SIM, Berlin, July 1996.
- “Enabling Musical Performance in Therapy: The MIDIGRID and MIDICREATOR systems”, M & R. Abbotson, PR Kirk, AD Hunt, A Cleaton Proc. 11th International Congress World Federation of Occupational Therapists, April 1994.
- “Technology in the service of Music Therapy”, M & R. Abbotson, PR Kirk & AD Hunt, World Congress of Music Therapy. July 1993
- “Investigating non-tactile MIDI controllers for severely disabled children“, Jacobs, C., University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Australia, 1997.
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